New Hair: Who Dis?

I've cut my hair. Yes. It's true. Anyone who knows me, knows that I've had the same hair cut for years and that I love having long, curly hair. However, I felt like I needed a change. Sometimes, changes in your life can be propelled by actual, physical change, so I decided to go ahead and chop my mid back length locks, all the way up to my shoulders. It's the shortest I've ever had my hair. I was terrified but hating it, but in the spirit of saying yes to things, I still made the decision to cut it and I'm so happy I did. I love it. It feels light, it's easier to maintain and I still look like me. Just a new, hopefully improved version of myself.

As women, there is so much emphasis put on our hair looks. So much of our self-esteem and self-worth can be tied to our hair. I know that, for myself, my hair has always been a security blanket. Every time I had a good hair day, I felt great about myself. Every time I had a bad hair day, my self esteem would take a tumble and all of a sudden my confidence was shaken and I didn't feel so great about myself anymore. Having long locks gives people something to look at other than you, it can be distracting, a motif for conversation, and ridding myself of it was scary for a moment, but in reeling off of a negative turn in my mental health, I am focused on being confident in myself in every situation. 


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