What People With Depression Want You To Know
1. We're not lazy or unmotivated. Being depressed means you are in a permanent state of exhaustion sleep can't fix. That's why so many people with depression sleep entire days and wake up still feeling extremely tired. Sometimes, getting out of bed is a victory. Taking a shower is a victory. Finding the energy and will to eat is a victory. If all these minor things seem like victories, leaving the house and going to your work or school, seems like an enormous mountain you don't have the energy to face. We're not lazy - we simply don't have the energy to deal with things most people would deem as normal. Motivation is the hardest thing to come by and it is almost painful to not be able to have the energy and motivation to even do the things you love to do. 2. Depression is physically painful. Often times people forget to mention the physical symptoms of depression and focus only on the mental ones. However, the physical symptoms can be just as unnerv...