The Comfort Zone: Fear it or Embrace it?

The concept of comfort zone is quite simple: it's a place, not necessarily physical, in your life in which you feel comfortable and safe. This sounds wonderful, right? A place where you feel safe doesn't sound like a place people should be pushing you out of, but they do. Nowadays, there are countless articles and think-pieces about breaking out of your comfort zone, throwing the feeling of safety out of the window for a risk taking - and according to the authors of these pieces - fulfilling life.

While I'm not sure if I disagree with it, I still have an issue with this rhetoric, mainly because, well, I am a fan of the comfort zone. I don't like straying out of it too far. I like, actually, I love feeling safe. I do agree that sometimes being stuck in your comfort zone can stop you from living your life or at least from taking full advantage of its opportunities.
For many people finding a comfort zone in a world that makes them deeply uncomfortable is a blessing. Finding safety in the middle of the rubble can be deeply joyful and satisfying. For some people, the comfort zone is a trap, a metaphorical prison keeping them from enjoy all the world's wonders. Some people, like myself, find themselves somewhat in the middle. I consider myself a cautious risk taker, meaning that I only take calculated risks. Sure, they're calculated, but they're still a risk, because in life you never know how a situation will turn out, no matter how much risk calculating you do.
I'm not one to go bungee jumping on a whim, because let's do it and why not and all that jazz. I'm the type of person who sees a situation that is out of my comfort zone and decides if being in it will make me better, will make me grow as an individual, will make me see life differently. That's why, months ago, I signed up to be an Erasmus student. I made the decision to study and live in Glasgow for four months, knowing damn well it would be painfully uncomfortable for me - but nonetheless, I decided to take the risk. That's why I started this blog - because I enjoy writing and this a good medium for it and so what if no one ever reads this or if they do if they don't like it. I'm the one taking the risk. I'm the one calculating and deciding if it's worth it.

So when it comes to comfort zones, everyone should be doing the same. Doing what is best for them. If you want to go swim with sharks, then 1. you're crazy, 2. good for you! If you don't and you enjoy being at home binging your favourite show, then good for you too! Just don't forget to make some calculated risks every once in a while, because life can be better for it. Life doesn't have to be lived to an extreme, you can find balance and thrive because of it. Or not. That's also the beauty of life - everyone is different. 


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